One thing I promised myself that I would do over summer is paint this chest of drawers (that I got for free!) with some Annie Sloan Chalk paint.
If you don't know what chalk paint is let me introduce you to this amazing product. Basically this paint will cover any surface and you don't need to prime the furniture first, you just slap it on! This is incredible for lazy people like me, and makes it really easy to spruce up old furniture making it look as good as new.
It took me a long time deciding which colour to choose. Annie Sloan gives some helpful hints on her website but a lot of the paint swatches are shown with another colour underneath. Therefore I took the plunge and ordered....original which is a creamy white. I really wanted to go french country but it wouldn't have fit with the other furniture in our room.
I've done one coat of paint on the chest of drawers and I can still see the pine colour underneath so I'm going to paint it again and hopefully it will start to look a little better.
Myself and Gary decided that we were going to start saving for a house and in the middle of dreaming about tiny cottages with stone floors and log burning stoves I had an epiphany. It was a sofa sent from heaven, all of a sudden I knew exactly what sofa I needed in our future home. Et voila:
I think my sister is right, I am boring. Who gets excited about the kind of sofa they want to buy!? Well me apparently...
Something else I've been getting excited about is my filofax! Having being inspired through instagram I decided to pretty up my filofax which is something I've been using for yeeeears (I never knew they had such a cult following!). I get very easily bored so I decorated my filofax and haven't touched it since, although it will be getting more use when I go back to work. I need to stop starting work in progress and then leaving them never to be used/looked at ever again!
Gary has the week off next week so we're going to the Doncaster wildlife park and to the seaside too. I'm very excited about actually doing something with my summer holiday!
I also have a job interview in 2 weeks to go from being a part time teacher to (nearly) full time, wish me luck!
Amy x