Friday, February 28, 2014

February in pictures

1. Started a new crochet blanket using a starburst pattern that was loosely based on one I saw online (I swear I booked marked it and then lost it!)
2. Loving the springtime weather
3. Gary's birthday meal of pulled pork, was incredible! I used this recipe
4. Valentine's meal, I'm not a fan of valentines purely because you shouldn't need one day to show someone you love them, you should do it all year around. However we had a quiet cosy night in and I had tea cooked for me, it was perfect!
5.  and 6. The little adventures we've been on.
7. I've finally set up a twitter purely for crafty makes, follow me here and an Etsy shop for my little makes
8. Completely fell out of love with my new blanket, I'm just not friends with red, I'm more of a blue person
9. Springtime walk.

February was all about long leisurely walks in the spring sunshine and being at peace, it was much needed. This year is going far too quickly for my liking, but I'm enjoying seeing where it takes us.

How was your February?

Amy x

Blog redesign


My blog has had a little redesign which reflects my style and taste, I hope you all like it.
It was designed by my other half Gary Wood, if you're interested in something similar please don't hesitate to ask!
I can't wait to get a custom domain and redesign it properly.
Please leave me some feedback in the comments below

Amy x

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Forever trawling the internet for goodies to fill my basket. There are however a few things I "need", first up is some craft storage;

I'm desperately in need of something pretty and cheap to store all my fabric, ribbon etc in and this £35 set of drawers from Matalan are perfect! I don't want to buy something more expensive/permanent as we want to buy a house eventually and it might not all fit.

I've had my eye on a nice lamp base so that I can make a pretty lampshade and I think this one will do nicely!

It's from wilkos and is £22, I've seen a few other cheaper ones and I'm still on the hunt for that perfect base, curvy and shapely.

Something else I desperately need is a new wardrobe and this Next one made me gasp out loud

It's perfect, it's the right colour, size, style but most of all it's reasonable. It makes my heart swoon!

A wishlist of mine wouldn't be complete without a little CK, this apron will be perfect (and I definitely do not want to cut it up and make pretty things with it.... maybe I should buy two....)

Looking back I'm surprised how much of my wishlist is for the home, it's usually full of clothes, I'm turning into a real homebody.
Money is a bit tight at the moment so for now my wishlist shall just be a wish but soon my pretties soon.......

What are you currently wishing for?


Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The last few weeks have been tough for us financially and with that and the rubbish weather, I've been feeling a bit down.
The weather really affects my mood, anyone else feel the same? I've put all my projects on hold (started a new one then stopped), I just can't seem to get going at the moment.

I'm generally a positive person and not crafting plus the weather and work being stressful we've been having a bit of a tough time.
I've been feeling sorry for myself a far bit and a few posts I've seen online about other people's lives really hit me. A couple of people I know (but don't speak to) have gone through some incredibly tough times and it really puts things into perspective.

Our new motto is: Be Grateful.

We have a house, money to pay bills, our health and most of all love for each other.
What more do you need in life really?